Scanning Neel Doff – print & OCR qualities

July 24th, 2013 § 0 comments

In order to be able to remix the work of Neel Doff, the content of the old books needs to be converted in plain text-files. Therefore, I used a bookscanner, I would have loved to use this one, but it needs some repairing; and an OCR-software that turns the image into legible text.

There is a direct relationship between the history of printing techniques and the quality of the final text-file. Could it be an interesting topic for a research project one day? For the moment, comparing the results is already an adventure.

Editions de la Toison d'Or, Bruxelles, 1943

Editions de la Toison d’Or, Bruxelles, 1943

This beautiful edition on heavy textured paper gives the following result:

And this more recent edition from 1974 gives a much more performative character recognition: Jours1974_ocr_tesseract


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